Friday, April 3, 2009

five worst covers of all time

Limp Bizkit-Behind Blue Eyes:
Anything Fred Durst touches dies shortly thereafter. No joke. I don't know what exactly is behind Fred's blue eyes, but it certainly is not talent. Mr. Durst and Steven Tyler are currently in an epic struggle with each other to become the "WORST FRONTMAN IN HISTORY". Freddie almost sealed the deal with this effort, but Tyler counter-punched with auditory diseases such as "Walk This Way" and "Love in an Elevator" Stay tuned...

Lenny Kravitz-American Woman
This is what happens when someone is way too full of himself. One of the great songs of all time is redone and butchered by some dude that used to call himself "Romeo Blue". Hey Leonard, do the world a favor and find out how to time travel and go back and talk your mom out of having sex with that janitor in the broom closet and save us from the results of that encounter.

Sheryl Crow-Sweet Child O' Mine:
There are certain bands that you never cover, Guns and Roses is one of them. Axl Rose may be an idiot, but his voice is pure swizz. Sheryl Crow, meanwhile, instead of concentrating on making her own music not suck, ventures onto hallowed ground trying to cover one of the classics. She should have been banished to Dimension X for this travesty. Bebop and Rocksteady would have had a field day with her.

Puff Daddy-Kashmir:
Another band you never, ever even think about covering is Zeppelin. Not to mention it's one of the greatest songs ever written. Alas, that won't stop the leech king himself. Haven't heard from puff lately; probably 'cause no one wants to have him leeching off of them.

Celine Dion-Shook Me All Night Long:
You may regret this

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