Friday, May 29, 2009

ten best videogames of all time

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Quite possibly the greatest game ever made. The gameplay is rock-solid, the story line is one of the best, and the enemies, weapons, dungeons are all varied and well done. It's hard to believe that it came out in 1992, but the game still holds up under modern standards. The absolute gold standard for adventure/rpg games. It must be said: LTTP is better than Ocarina of Time. Only real flaw in the game is its short length.

High Point: The Hookshot

Secret of Mana (SNES)
This one isn't quite as popular as other squaresoft games, but it's just as good as any of the final fantasy games. The story is excellent and involving, and the battles aren't the usual turn-based like in most role playing games. The only drawback for this game is the spell casting, which allows for some pretty easy fights a lot of times(you basically can cast a spell so frequently that enemies can't counter attack). Either way, an excellent game that really you draws you in with the well put together story and deep characters. The soundtrack is also incredible.

High Point: Fighting the Dark Lich

Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
The best of all the final fantasy games. Final Fantasy VI is ridiculously deep for a super nintendo game. FFVI also boasts the greatest villian in videogame history, Kefka. Kefka is evil incarnate. His goal is absolute nothingness, the end of existence for the universe. A vast array of characters to develop and an expansive world to explore will keep you busy for 40-50 hours easily. There are no real flaws in FFVI.

High Point: Waking up from a year long coma halfway through the game and finding the world you knew is gone forever.

Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Another fantastic RPG from Squaresoft. This one has its own unique battle system which, while turn based, allows for team attacks that really satisfy. The story in Chrono Trigger might be the best in any RPG. You really start to care about the plight of your heroes trying to fix the timeline and stop Lavos from destroying the world. Chrono Trigger is a bit on the easy side, which is the only negative.

High Point: Schala sacrificing herself to the Mammon Machine.

Shadowman (Dreamcast)
This game is dark, really dark. You are Michael Leroi, dark soul hunter. A demon called Legion has possessed a group of men called The Five and forced them to kill myriads of innocent people. These men cannot be killed by conventional weaponry, but Michael Leroi has a gun that expels energy that rips their souls from their bodies and sends the demons to hell. For an adventure game, Shadowman is loooooong. It could take you about 20-25 hours to beat, and the game is very open-ended, allowing for multiple ways to get to where you are going. It takes a while to get going, but Shadowman is extremely satisfying, extremely dark and twisted, and one of the most underrated games out there.

High Point: Confronting Victor Batrachian.

Half-Life 2 (including all subsequent episodes) (PC)
The best FPS ever made. The story, pacing, voice acting, graphics, level variety, and gameplay are all as good as it gets. The protagonist, Gordon Freeman, is one of the coolest characters in video games. The last 30 minutes of Half-Life 2: Episode 2 is one of the most intense and exciting segments you will find in any game. The only flaw in this game is the overly long driving sections.

High Point: Ravenholm with Father Grigori

Super Metroid (SNES)
This game is awesome. It's that simple. The boss fights are epic and the different regions of the planet you invade are wonderfully varied and fun to explore. All the suit enhancements and powerups will keep you busy for awhile. For it's time, the graphics were some of the best around. The only drawback is length. If you know exactly what to do and where to go, you can beat the game in under 2 hours easily.

High Point: Hyper Beam

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Playstation)
Of all the subsequent Castlevania games that have come along and copied the same formula, none of them are as good as SOTN. There is so much to see and find in this game it's ridiculous Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is an absolute must play for any gamer. Also, one of the most laughably bad scripts in history. That is the only real knock on SOTN.

High Point: The inverted castle

Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)
Just when Resident Evil was getting pretty stale, Capcom reinvented and reinvigorated the franchise with Resident Evil 4. RE4 was so much fun I've played through it probably 6-7 times. This was the first game I played that made use of quick time events, and RE4 made excellent use of them. The only weakness of RE4 is the underwhelming last boss.

High Point: Oven Man
and the knife fight with Krauser

Bioshock (PC)
One of the most inventive games to come along in ages. Bioshock takes place in the underwater city of Rapture where almost everyone has gone insane from injecting themselves with a substance that grants all sorts of powers and abilities. Your character gains all sorts of powers and finds a variety of weapons to fight off the hordes of crazies. The presentation and setting of Bioshock is incredible; it really is quite a unique game. The main flaw in the game is the difficulty. It can be really easy for a video game veteran.

High Point: The confrontation with Andrew Ryan: A man chooses, a slave obeys.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

five worst tv shows of all time

If I could go back in time and erase this travesty from history, I would do it without hesitation. It doesn't get any worse than this. Three female dingbats and three male ignoramus's thrown together in an orgy of idiocy is the premise of the show, literally.

Let's see here:
Awful writing+Horrible acting+Pathetic plotlines = one of the most beloved shows ever. How is this possible?? I ran this equation through my totally boss TI-5000 calculator and it crashed.

That 70's Show:
The cast of this show is even worse than "Friends". The target demographic for this show is 13-17 year old boys who will grow up to worship two gods; beer and chicks. Fez and Kelso are battling it out for the title of "Worst Character on the Worst TV Show Who Sucks all Enjoyment Out of the World and Tries to Drag Everyone Down into the Gutter of Hopelessness and Despair While Simultaneously Making Future Career Fast Food Workers Laugh Hysterically"

Are we somehow supposed to believe that the six smartest people in the world who know everything about everything all joined the same crime scene investigation team in Las Vegas? The only good thing about this show is that it has that one girl from China Beach on it. But she sucks too, at least on this show. The main characters name is "Gil Grissom". That right there should tell you all you need to know about CSI. Gil is so brilliant that he solves every crime in 45 minutes. He can do this because he has read every single scientific and historical book ever written, and even some of the ones that weren't. They say that the human brain can hold multiple terabytes of information. Gil Grissom's brain can hold upwards of 10000000000 yottabytes. At least that's what the show purports.

CSI: Miami:
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than CSI, here comes CSI: Miami. David Caruso is the world's worst actor. He is worse at acting than anyone who has ever lived. Watch and See .

CSI: New York:
Needs no explanation. Its CSI in New York, which means one thing: FAIL.